Sunday, December 4, 2011

A dramatic 4th Dec.

Being myself, seorang yang sangat susah nak ingat birthday orang lain. Bukan susah, tapi malas nak ingat. Tapi. Aku sedar, dalam kau sayang orang, remembering their birthdate would mean everything.

I tried hard to remember my bestfriend's birthday. I tried to relate anything I know to their birthdate so that I won't forgot it. Memei lah ada reminder phone, tapi kan best kalau ingat sendiri? Tu baru namanya sayaaaang :3

Dasar kau memei pelupa, tapi bila kau dah ingat semua birthdate kawan-kawan kau, bestnya rasa, heavennya rasa!


I won't ask for anything in return. I'm not asking anything from you, nothing. Seriously, nothing.


Can you imagine that feeling when your very own bestfriend forget your own birthdate,  and you're like waiting for hours, days for him/her wishing you those two words, 'Happy Birthday'.

I am not terkilan. Cuma frust.


I still remember that excited feeling when I know that day is your birthday. That, that, that excited feeling *sigh*

I thought a real friend would remember our birthdate?

Hypothesis is not accepted, 3 marks deducted, 'cause I'm totally wrong. Go die.